Wednesday, June 13, 2018

The Final Leg of Five Duties:' Hajj to Mecca'

The Final Leg of Five Duties:' Hajj to Mecca'

Hajj to Mecca is one of the five duties that a Muslim is obligated to fulfil during his lifetime, provided he is physically fit and doing well financially. This activity dates back from the time of Abraham. Hundreds of thousand Islamic pilgrims stand on the plains of Arafat and ask Allah to wipe off their sins. In this Islamic Pilgrimage Muslim brothers all around the world sleep alongside each other and throw stones at the pillars of Mina, circumambulate the Kabaa, and pray in the Mosque. How many of you want to desire to hajj this year? Will you be one amongst the fortunate ones?

Muslims follow the lunar calendar and the dates of Hajj depend on the sightings of Moon. Hajj is an annual activity which takes place on the eighth day of Dhul Al- Hijjah. So if you have had faith, prayed, fasted,done charity it is time you take a Hajj and complete the five pillars of being a Muslim.

History of Hajj:

This Islamic pilgrimage dates back from the times of Prophet Mohammed. The economy of Mecca, majorly depends on the income from pilgrims.

The story co relates to the story of Hagar, Hagar was Abraham's second wife. Abraham married Hagar because his first wife was childless. After Abraham left her and his son,Ishmael, she ran between the hills of Safa and Marwa in search of food and water. As she prayed Allah for mercy, his son's heel hit the ground and the well of ZamZam sprung. When Abraham returned back he and Ishmael built the Kaaba.

What you have to do to ‘set out for a place'?

• If one wishes to go for hajj. He/she has to enter a special state of purity.'Irham' Men cover themselves with two unstitched piece of cloth, while woman must wear lose fitted cloth, cover their bodies and hair but not face.
• Travel to Mina, on the eighth day of DhulHijjah, and stay there day and night praising the Lord . Mina is approximately eight kilometres from Mecca. 
• On the ninth day, pilgrims travel to Arafat, which is fourteen kilometres away from Mina. Pilgrims pray here and repent for the sins they have done. and collect pebbels for next days rituals
• On the 10th day pilgrims pelt collected pebbles at the pillars of evil. ‘This partly signifies stoning enemies of life.'
• Women cut a lock of their hair and men shave their hair post this activity. They also make sacrifice and give meat to the needy.
• Past this pilgrims travel to ‘The Great Mosque' and circle the Kaaba seven times. as a final leg of the pilgrim.

Hajj tours are made easier for you, these days you can hire yourself a travel agent who will do the entire task on your behalf and guide you with the rules and regulations of Hajj. These tours vary from five star facilities to a general economy type pilgrim. Depending on the budget a person can pick from the variety offered.

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